Product Description Sudan Black B, mixture of SBB-I & SBB-II Other Details Molecular Formula: C29H24N6 Molecular Weight: 456.54 CAS Number: 4197-25-5 Minimum Purity: 0.95 UN Number: 0 Dangerous Goods Class: 0 Packing Group: 0 Storage Temperature: 0 Sizes 1: 25g Leadtime:20 Days Sizes 2: 100g Leadtime:20 Days Sizes 3: 250g Leadtime:20 Days
ITEM #KX-C156545 Tulathromycin B (mixture with Tulathromycin A) Tulathromycin B (mixture with Tulathromycin A)
ITEM #KX-C150288 Rhodamine B isothiocyanate (mixture of isomers) Rhodamine B isothiocyanate (mixture of isomers)