Product Description Ethyl stearate Other Details Molecular Formula: C20H40O2 Molecular Weight: 312.53 CAS Number: 111-61-5 Minimum Purity: >99% (GC) UN Number: 0 Dangerous Goods Class: 0 Packing Group: 0 Storage Temperature: 0 Sizes 1: 25g Leadtime:20 Days Sizes 2: 0 Leadtime:0 Sizes 3: 0 Leadtime:0
ITEM #KX-C151271 Sodium stearate (a mixture of stearate and palmitate) Sodium stearate (a mixture of stearate and palmitate)
ITEM #KX-C149160 Potassium stearate (mixture of stearate and palmitate), tech. Potassium stearate (mixture of stearate and palmitate), tech.