Product Description Cyclopentyl Methyl Ether (CPME) extrapure AR, 99% Other Details Molecular Formula: 0 Molecular Weight: 0 CAS Number: 5614-37-9 Minimum Purity: 0 UN Number: UN No.:3271 Dangerous Goods Class: IMCO Class No.:3 Packing Group: Packing Group:II Storage Temperature: Room Temperature Sizes 1: 0 Leadtime:45 - 60 Days Sizes 2: 0 Leadtime:0 Sizes 3: 0 Leadtime:0
ITEM #KX19465 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether extrapure AR, 99.5% tert-Butyl Methyl Ether extrapure AR, 99.5%
ITEM #KX-C121335 Cyclopentyl methyl ether, stabilized with BHT Cyclopentyl methyl ether, stabilized with BHT
ITEM #KX65701 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, Multi-Compendial, 99.5% tert-Butyl Methyl Ether extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, Multi-Compendial, 99.5%